• Άρωμα Όθρυς

History of Chamomile

Chamomile is a well-known therapeutic plant, probably the most popular. Since ancient times it is known that the Germans had devoted it to the god Baldur.  The word chamomile comes from the ancient "chamaimilon" (chame + milon). According to Galen, the ancient Egyptians used it as antipyretic and especially against intermittent fevers. They had dedicated it to the Sun go...
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History of tea

The word 'tea' (tea) and all its worldwide variations in spelling and pronunciation come from a single source. '' Te '' means tea in the Chinese dialect Amoy. The word 'cha' in Mandarin has also spawned a few derivatives around the world. Tea arrived in Europe in the early seventeenth century. Despite all the claims for its medicinal properties, Europeans preferred the flavor ...
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Basic types of tea

Green Tea: Does not get fermented. The leaves go through three processes: baking, wrapping and fire. The first aims to kill the enzymes that would cause fermentation. This is achieved by abrupt warming up the leaves at 100 ° C. The leaves soften and can easily be bent or folded by hand to get the shape of small balls or branch. Finally, dried in hot air until the leaves do not ...
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History of Rosemary

History & tradition According to folklore, rosemary takes its name from the Virgin Maria, who left her cloak onto the bush. By the next morning, a bush of flowers had been blue and then named rose of Mary. The ancient Greeks considered it a gift of Venus. Students wore garlands of rosemary when they had exams because it helped at concentration and memory. Reported ...
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History of Mountain Tea

The "mountain tea" comes from the plant Sideritis spp or otherwise siderite of Dioskouridis, which is said to have got its name from the Greek word "iron" thanks to the healing properties of the plant against wounds caused by iron weapons. In Crete is known as "malotira", named by the prevailing version of the Italian words «male» (illness) and «tirare» (draw), because in V...
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History of Verbena

Verbena is a perennial plant, aromatic, rich in essential oils and its origin is from America. Was brought to Europe by the Spanish in the 17th century. Initially, the herb was called "center". The name "Louise" is in honor of Maria-Luisa Teresa de Parma, wife of King Carlos the 4th of Spain, because, reportedly drank it frequently. Also is known as lemongrass.
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Mint 40 gr.

Collected by hand. Νet weight: 30 g. Packaging (one type): Bag with label Mint is suitable for oral disorders, digestion and nausea, with great beneficial properties in colitis. Helps to sweat in cases of fever and flu, while soothes cough. Also helps significantly to stop the milk in nursing mothers. The nutritional value of mint is particularly important. Conta...
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Spearmint 40 g.

 Spearmint Collected by hand. Net wight: 40 g. Packaging (two types): Bag & Carton. It grows only in wet and mountainous places, but also grows in gardens and pots, can be gathered throughout the year and you can always have a fresh pot, or dry spearmint's leaves in a jar, to be used in cooking as a seasoning. The leaves of spearmint, fresh or dried, are used...
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Mountain Othris

Othris the mountain of the Titans, rises in the southwest side of Magnesia, whose ridge separates from the borders of Fthiotida. In the battle for the victory of Zeus in the world of gods and humans, known in mythology as the battle of the Titans, Titans had Othrys as a base. It was the base from where they fought against Zeus and defended Saturn,  fighting to stay in the domin...
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Melissa 20 gr.

Collected by hand. Νet weight: 20 g. Packaging (one type): Bag with label Melissa (or Melissa officinalis), also known as bee balm or lemon belongs to the mint family. The term "bee" comes from the word «melissophyllon», which means "leaf bee" because thanks to the great nectar plant content is an ideal place to foraging bees. The smell of melissa contains among oth...
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Verbena 15 gr.

Collected by hand. Νet weight: 15 g. Packaging (one type): Bag with label Verbena with the Latin name «Lippia citriodora» belongs to the family Verbenaceae and is known also as lemongrass because of its lemony scent of the flowers and the leaves. Verbena is a medicinal plant that is beneficial in many ways, as a decoction or oil, since both the flowers and the lea...
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Rosemary 40 gr.

Collected by hand. Νet weight: 40 g. Packaging (one type): Bag with label Rosemary is a symbol of friendship, loyalty and commemoration in many places of the world. Its fresh or dried leaves are mainly used in cooking, giving special aroma and flavor to salads, soups, sauces, fillings meat (especially lamb or goat), confectionery for flavored jams, sweets, biscuits, ...
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Sage 40 gr.

Collected by hand. Νet weight: 40 g. Packaging (one type): Bag with label Enjoy a hot (or cold) beverage with sage! It improves memory, helps the digestive function, acts as a mild antiseptic, ideal for gargles and mouthwashes, helps relieve sore throats, effectively reduces sweating. Rich in antioxidants. Used in the kitchen and pleasant fragrance sauces, ...
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Thyme 40 gr.

Collected by hand. Νet weight: 40 g. Packaging (one type): Bag with label Thyme 'Aroma Othris' is collected from the rocky slopes of Mount Othris, in Magnesia. The dried leaves and flowers of the plant "Thyme" or "Thimios" are a spice with a very strong aroma, rich and slightly spicy taste. Used for flavoring dishes with meat or fish and various other dishes mainly ...
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