Rosemary is warming and stimulates blood circulation to the brain and improves concentration and memory.
It is useful for nervous headaches and migraines.
Enhances hair growth by stimulating blood circulation in the scalp of the head. Leaves of rosemary along with nettle roots and roots Lapatis, soaked in alcohol, help to grow hair by rubbing the scalp of the head.
Elevates mood and is useful in cases of depression of mild level to moderately severe.
Taking baths with rosemary decoction help those suffering from rheumatism joints.
It is an expectorant and helps to cough in bronchitis and flu.
The dust from the powdered leaves of rosemary heals wounds.
The decoction of rosemary is against fainting and dizziness.
Chopped fresh rosemary and made in poultice, dries hemorrhoids.
Helps exhaustion and weakness.
Boiled with rosemary wine helps sleep.
Generally considered antibacterial, antifungal and anti-rheumatic, cardiac stimulant and for vision but also suitable for diabetes.
Modern Studies: The active ingredient in rosemary, known as carnosic acid (CA), can protect the brain from stroke and neurodegeneration, that are due to harmful chemicals and free radicals. These radicals are considered to contribute not only in the brain but also in neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer, but also in diseased symptoms of normal aging brain.